Friday, March 4, 2011

Hot Topics in Genetics

The Task: Create an informative and engaging blog post on your assigned topic in the field of genetics

Your post must address/include the following:
·       A complete description of your topic with appropriate background information (note who your audience is- this needs to be thorough)
·       A brief explanation of your topic on a molecular level (how is linked to protein synthesis or the cell cycle)
·       A specific case study linked to your topic or current research/breakthroughs
·       Explanation of potential future breakthroughs in the field
·       Any ethical/moral issues related to your topic

You will be graded using the usual blog post rubric

Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Genetic cloning                
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
Stem Cell Research                                                                                          
Behavioral Genetics
Gene Therapy                                                                                                            
Personal Genome Project

Human Genome Project                                                                        
Genetically Modified Foods/Organisms                                                      
Genetic Testing
Genetics and the Law (Some Legislative Background)                  
HIV/AIDS Research
HPV Vaccine
Influenza Vaccine